
The current political climate gives the opportunity to set the record straight. The feminist movement has grown significantly over the last few years, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t there before or that previous achievements are less. In the spirit of fighting against gender violence and dangerous stereotypes, this collection plays homage to the “Adelitas” of the Mexican Revolution in. the 1800’s, who ignored machismo and went to war to fight for a better country, against their husband’s and son’s wishes. The Adelitas are the true example of the Mexican woman. We were and will always be warriors.

The pandemic is still on our back and it has truly changed our life style. It would be naive to think that fashion can ignore the needs of consumers while doing quarantine still in many places of the world. Following that, minimalism and cozy textures have to keep on with our garments. However, that doesn’t mean design and meaning have to go out the window.

The fabrics play in contrast with the warrior/soldier theme of the Adelitas. This collection reminds us of the importance of keeping on a fight, wether political intentions or fighting against a global pandemic. 

Tools Used: Procreate, InDesign, Illustrator,Photoshop, Lightroom


CLO 3D design